Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#14 Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

"So now that you’ve been blogging for a while, you might be wondering just how big the blogosphere is."

To be honest, no, not really.
Sorry, was that too blunt? What I meant was, I feel pretty unsuprised by the fact there are so many blogs out there, but the reality could well be that there are still many that aren't updated often. And many run by various people. I have three, two of which are active, including this. The third is a summer project, but actually when I know html well enough to justify paying for a domain, they'll be obselete in a way, beyond online diary use.

Anyway, my feelings about getting your blog tracked/looking for blogs on a particular topic: fine if you have a lot of time on your hands.

Now, LJ, on the other hand, is really a funny place full of individuals and communities, and that's cool, you can join communities so you get something like RSS feeds, so you're always part of the whole if you want to be. Then you add someone as your friend, can see their friends, all spiderwebbing out until everyone interested in the one thing are all connected. Blogger is much more isolated, and looking for content much more work compared to LJ.

Equally, if I joined a community on LJ I would know people wanted to read my stuff, but just offering it out there to technorati in case someone wants to read my thoughts on web 2.0...? Not so much.

Having said that, I had a play on technorati and checked out search options- searching for posts without authority, the word 'Boruvka' appears a whole bunch of times, including mine, which is kinda neat, and if the search is changed to blogs of 'authority' we come up with Bored in Brno who mentions the word. Which is cool.

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