Thursday, November 29, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

YouTube. Since I've had decent net at my place, YouTube has been my friend. I've used it for a few purposes- some friends made vids last year to share our Christmas with friends around the world, and... music video clips! Woo! I don't have a T.V. but I used to when I lived OS and was quite the MTV addict. Through YouTube I've been able to discover obscure clips for songs that were hits a few years ago.

This one is a fave of mine. A retrospective kind of piece looking at German identity. At the end of '04 you couldn't turn on the radio without hearing this one. Everybody loves home videos, YouTube just opens the doors for something more.

As for a wider use of YouTube; it's a bit like everything we've been exploring, really. Many things have multiple applications and open up doors and opportunities. YouTube may not have been designed with libraries in mind, but it's another way of recording info and therefore widening its audience.

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