Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 ...

The web used to be a game. Convincing one's parents it was 'totally necessary' for school work. As if! We chatted with strangers on yahoo chat using ridiculous pseudonyms, simply because we could. We laughed at the idea of meeting with these people in real life and scoffed at the idea of relationships that arose from meeting on the net.

This changed. Like I said, I am sending snail mail cards to my friends this year, friends with obscure nicks which are not meaningless but offer a window into the personality of the very real person on the other side of the unwired world.

Where am I going with this? Ah, yes. Technologically speaking, generally speaking. The use of the net used to be a novelty, as were mobile phones. Now they're organically part of our lives and equally, web 2.0 will organically become part of the library scope. Baby steps at the moment means that discussions about in the work room "remember, write down your password. write it down. are you writing it down!!!???", "are you doing this blog thing?", "what's web 2.0?" and "access seems to have been blocked.", "i can't access this podcast." "what was my username!?"

But, surely, not too long from now... this will all be normal.

Just remember... don't forget to remember your username, password and email address. From there, the world's your oyster.

"Librarian 2.0 makes good, yet fast decisions This librarian recognizes how quickly the world and library users change with advancing technology."

Agreed. It changes, it grows, and at some point it becomes normal.

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